Tea Blending

Tea blending describes the process of blending different teas of different gardens together to produce a final product.

The aim of blending is to create a well-balanced taste and flavour of blended tea using different garden teas of different seasons. This also ensures that variation in quality from season to season can be ironed out. The cost of tea varies season to season depending on demand and supply pattern. So, with the help of blending, you can also keep the prices of tea stable at the consumer level.

For any tea business, tasting and blending is the key area of business. By tasting you need to pick the right tea for your blend. Every tea growing area has its own unique taste and flavour, and it varies season to season. So the main function of a blender is to create a tea blend that is consistent in quality, with minimal changes in prices throughout the year.

The one golden rule of blending is:
Every blend must taste the same as the previous one, so a consumer will not be able to detect a difference in taste and flavour from one purchase to the next.